Subjectivity: Theories of the self from Freud to Haraway (Hardcover)
作者: Nick Mansfield 
分類: Western philosophy, from c 1900 - ,
Cognition & cognitive psychology ,
The self, ego, identity, personality  
書城編號: 24601008

售價: $1680.00

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出版日期: 2000/09/01
頁數: 208
ISBN: 9780814756508

What am I referring to when I say 'I'? This little word is so easy to use in daily life, yet it has become the focus of intense theoretical debate. Nick Mansfield explores how our understanding of our subjectivity has developed over the past century.
Nick Mansfield 作者作品表

Soldiers as Citizens: Popular Politics and the Nineteenth-Century British Military (Paperback)

eBook: Bastard Politics: Sovereignty and Violence (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Subjectivity: Theories of the self from Freud to Haraway (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Subjectivity: Theories of the self from Freud to Haraway (DRM PDF)

Soldiers as Citizens: Popular Politics and the Nineteenth-Century British Military (Hardcover)

Buildings of the Labour Movement (Paperback)

Subjectivity: Theories of the self from Freud to Haraway (Hardcover)

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