Life Stories for Ages 9-11 (Mixed media product)
作者: Angelis Scott, Louise Carruthers 
系列: Writing Guides
分類: Teachers' classroom resources & material ,
Educational: English language: reading & writing skills ,
For National Curriculum Key Stage 2  
書城編號: 24615433

原價: HK$350.00
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出版社: Scholastic
出版日期: 2010/02/01
頁數: 48
尺寸: 298 x 211 x 4 mm
重量: 191 grams
ISBN: 9781407112572

The resources in the book and CD-ROM enable children to: Understand and use the features of biographies and autobiographies. Plan, write and edit polished pieces of writing. Create interesting texts inspired by the photographs and audio file on the CD-ROM. Write on screen using writing frames provided. Assess their work and the work of their peers.
Writing Guides

Poetry for Ages 9-11 (Mixed media product)

Adventure Stories for Ages 5-7 (Mixed media product)

Poetry for Ages 7-9 (Mixed media product)

Poetry for Ages 5-7 (Mixed media product)

Funny Stories for Ages 5-7 (Mixed media product)

Instruction Texts for Ages 5-7 (Mixed media product)

Realistic Stories for Ages 9-11 (Mixed media product)

Adventure Stories for Ages 7-9 (Mixed media product)

Explanation Texts for Ages 9-11 (Mixed media product)

Fantasy Stories for Ages 5-7 (Mixed media product)

News Stories for Ages 7-9 (Mixed media product)

Life Stories for Ages 9-11 (Mixed media product)

Reports for Ages 5-7 (Mixed media product)

Sci-Fi Stories for Ages 7-9 (Mixed media product)

Recounts for Ages 5-7 (Mixed media product)

Instructions for Ages 7-9 (Mixed media product)

Fantasy Stories for Ages 9-11 (Mixed media product)

Louise Carruthers 作者作品表

Workbook Ages 5-7 (Paperback)

Teacher's Book Ages 5-7 (Paperback)

Fantasy Stories for Ages 9-11 (Mixed media product)

Rainbow Fish Teacher Resource (Paperback)

Daily Times Tables Teasers for Ages 5-7 (Paperback)

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