One-Dimensional Ergodic Schrodinger Operators: I. General Theory (Paperback)
作者: David Damanik, Jake Fillman 
系列: Graduate Studies in Mathematics
分類: Calculus & mathematical analysis ,
Differential calculus & equations  
書城編號: 24619328

售價: $1050.00

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出版社: American Mathematical Society
出版日期: 2022/06/30
頁數: 444
ISBN: 9781470470869

Beginning with a refresher on key topics in spectral theory, this volume presents the basic theory of discrete one-dimensional Schrodinger operators with dynamically defined potentials. It also includes a self-contained introduction to the relevant aspects of ergodic theory and topological dynamics.
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One-Dimensional Ergodic Schrodinger Operators: I. General Theory (Paperback)

One-Dimensional Ergodic Schrodinger Operators: I. General Theory (Hardcover)

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David Damanik 作者作品表

eBook: One-Dimensional Ergodic Schroedinger Operators (DRM PDF)

eBook: One-Dimensional Ergodic Schroedinger Operators (DRM EPUB)

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