Pegasus: How a Spy in Our Pocket Threatens the End of Privacy, Dignity and Democracy (Hardcover)
作者: Laurent Richard, Sandrine Rigaud 
分類: True crime ,
Crime & criminology ,
Forensic science ,
Political corruption ,
Privacy & data protection ,
Computer fraud & hacking ,
Spyware ,
Data encryption ,
France ,
Israel ,
Washington state  
書城編號: 24623364

原價: HK$280.00
現售: HK$266 節省: HK$14

購買此書 10本或以上 9折, 60本或以上 8折

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Pan Macmillan
出版日期: 2023/01/31
頁數: 320
尺寸: 234 x 153 mm
ISBN: 9781529094831

Pegasus by Laurent Richard and Sandrine Rigaud investigates how people's lives and privacy are being threatened by the most sophisticated spyware ever seen, at a sweep and scale that astounds - and horrifies.
Laurent Richard 作者作品表

4 historias del pollito Pol: Libros para niños de 3 a 6 años sobre trabajos (Paperback)

4 histoires de doudou poussin: Livre jeunesse illustré sur les métiers Lecture de 3 à 6 ans (Paperback)

Where Is My Car? (Hardcover)

Where Is My House? (Hardcover)

eBook: #4 The Championship! (DRM PDF)

eBook: #5 Wild Animals! (DRM PDF)

eBook: #1 Pranks and Attacks! (DRM PDF)

eBook: #3 Clowns and Dragons! (DRM PDF)

eBook: #2 Ninjas and Knock Outs! (DRM PDF)

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