How Books, Reading and Subscription Libraries Defined Colonial Clubland in the British Empire (Paperback)
作者: Sterling Joseph Coleman 
分類: Historiography ,
British & Irish history ,
Asian history ,
African history ,
History of the Americas ,
Early modern history: c 1450/1500 to c 1700 ,
Modern history to 20th century: c 1700 to c 1900 ,
20th century history: c 1900 to c 2000 ,
Social & cultural history ,
Colonialism & imperialism ,
c 1800 to c 1900 ,
20th century ,
British Empire  
書城編號: 24628640

售價: $560.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Routledge Chapman Hall
出版日期: 2022/08/01
重量: 0.28 kg
ISBN: 9780367513795
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How Books, Reading and Subscription Libraries Defined Colonial Clubland in the British Empire argues that within an entangled web of imperial, colonial and book trade networks books, reading and subscription libraries contributed to a core and peripheral criteria of clubbability used by the "select people"-clubbable settler elite-to vet the "proper sort"-clubbable indigenous elite-as they culturally, economically and socially navigated their way towards membership in colonial clubland. As a microcosm for British-controlled areas of the Caribbean, Asia and Africa, this book assesses the history, membership, growth and collection development of three colonial subscription libraries-the Penang Library in Malaysia, the General Library of the Institute of Jamaica and the Lagos Library in Nigeria-during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This work also examines the places these libraries occupied within the lives of their subscribers, and how the British Council reorganized these colonial subscription libraries to ensure their survival and the survival of colonial clubland in a post-colonial world. This book is designed to accommodate historians of Britain and its empire who are unfamiliar with library history, library historians who are unfamiliar with British history, and book historians who are unfamiliar with both topics.

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