The Feeling Good Club: Smash Your Worries, Bella! (Paperback)
作者: Kelly McKain 
系列: The Feeling Good Club
分類: General fiction (Children's / Teenage) ,
Interest age: from c 8 years  
書城編號: 24640159

原價: HK$84.00
現售: HK$79.8 節省: HK$4.2

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出版社: Little Tiger Press Group
出版日期: 2022/08/04
頁數: 128
尺寸: 198 x 129 x 8 mm
ISBN: 9781788953078
>> 相關電子書

Join Bella, Archie and Shazmin as they form The Feeling Good Club to help share their problems and worries, and support each other to feel good about themselves with the help of fun mindfulness activities. First up - can Shazmin and Archie help Bella with her Big Worry?
The Feeling Good Club

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The Feeling Good Club: Be Kind, Shazmin! (Paperback)

The Feeling Good Club: Say How You Feel, Archie! (Paperback)

eBook: Smash Your Worries, Bella! (DRM EPUB)

The Feeling Good Club: Smash Your Worries, Bella! (Paperback)

Kelly McKain 作者作品表

The Feeling Good Club: Believe in Yourself, Bella! (Paperback)

The Feeling Good Club: Be Kind, Shazmin! (Paperback)

The Feeling Good Club: Say How You Feel, Archie! (Paperback)

eBook: Green Witch (DRM EPUB)

Green Witch (Paperback)

The Feeling Good Club: Smash Your Worries, Bella! (Paperback)

Jessica and Jewel (hardcover)

Lauren and Lucky (hardcover)

Jessica and Jewel (paperback)

Emily and Emerald (Paperback)

Sophie and Shine (Paperback)

Chloe and Cracker (Paperback)

Poppy and Prince (Paperback)

Megan and Mischief (Paperback)



eBook: Blueberry Wishes (DRM EPUB)

Blueberry Wishes (Paperback)

eBook: Strawberry Summer (DRM EPUB)

Hidden Puppy Rescue (Paperback)

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