Kaboom of Doom
作者: Cathy Hapka 
書城編號: 246415

原價: HK$40.00
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出版社: PSS Juvenile
出版日期: 2011/04
頁數: 32
ISBN: 9780843198614

Join Po and the Furious Five as they protect China from the vengeful Shen and his secret weapon. But before Po can truly vanquish this threat, he must unlock the mysteries of his past. This reader is perfect for fans who are just learning how to read on their own.

Cathy Hapka 作者作品表

Mystical Memories

Kaboom of Doom

The Helmet

eBook: French Kissmas (DRM EPUB)

French Kissmas (B-Trade Pbk)

How Not to Start Third Grade (paperback)

Pardon My French (B-Trade Pbk)

eBook: Pardon My French (DRM EPUB)

Spirit Chapter Book: A Friend in Rain (B-Juv Digest)

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