The Philosopher, the Dog and the Wedding: The Story of the Infamous Female Philosopher Hipparchia (Paperback)
作者: Barbara Stok 
分類: Graphic novels  
書城編號: 24650196

原價: HK$238.00
現售: HK$226.1 節省: HK$11.9

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出版社: Selfmadehero
出版日期: 2022/09/15
頁數: 296
尺寸: 240 x 170 mm
ISBN: 9781914224096

Award-winning comic artist Barbara Stok's The Philosopher, the Dog and the Wedding is a graphic biography about the life and times of Hipparchia, one of the first female philosophers.

It is the 4th century BCE in Greece. Hipparchia is about to marry the rich son of a family friend when she meets Crates. As the wedding day approaches, Hipparchia becomes increasingly captivated by the views and way of life of this strange philosopher who lives on the streets. Gradually she starts to realize that the safe, comfortable, and cushioned life of luxury that has been mapped out for her is actually one of emptiness and spiritual imprisonment.

Crates and Hipparchia came to develop a central strand of the so-called Cynicism movement in Athenian philosophy--named for the dog-like tenacity or canine fury of their rejection of all conventional values. One of their fundamental principles was that we can only attain true happiness if we are independent of material possessions and social position. Hipparchia was a strong woman who had the courage to live by her own ideals, despite all the prevailing prejudices of her time. Her story continues to speak to ours.

Barbara Stok 作者作品表

La Filósofa, El Perro Y La Boda / The Philosopher, the Dog and the Wedding: The Story of the Infamous Female Philosopher Hipparchia (Paperback)

The Philosopher, the Dog and the Wedding: The Story of the Infamous Female Philosopher Hipparchia (Paperback)

eBook: Vinsent (DRM PDF)

Vincent (Paperback)

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