作者: Kevin Bolger 
書城編號: 246664

原價: HK$70.00
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出版社: Razorbill
出版日期: 2011/08
頁數: 208
ISBN: 9781595143679

Stanley Nudelman turns the boring town of Dementedyville on its head when he buys a mysterious toy at his neighbor's yard sale. Sure, Zombiekins looks cuddly and creepy-cute - but expose him to moonlight, and strange things happen. When Stanley brings Zombiekins to school, he unleashes the worst zombie plague in fourth-grade history Can Stanley find the courage to save the day before his teachers notice the class is full of zombies? Or will he soon join the ranks of the snuggily UNDEAD?
Kevin Bolger 作者作品表

See Fred Run: Teaches 50+ Sight Words! (Hardcover)

Gran on a Fan (Hardcover)

Lazy Bear, Crazy Bear (Hardcover)


Sir Fartsalot Hunts the Booger

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