RACES ON PAPER (Paperback)
分類: Poster art ,
Road & motor vehicles: general interest  
書城編號: 24678058

原價: HK$448.00
現售: HK$425.6 節省: HK$22.4

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出版社: Star Book Sales
出版日期: 2022/07/28
頁數: 180
尺寸: 213 x 298 x 14 mm
重量: 834 grams
ISBN: 9788877921765

Races on Paper Collectible Posters. A book that cleverly covers over 70 years of motorsport history through depicting carefully chosen posters from the world famous collection of Laura Malavotti, to show how the graphic artists of each period depicted and advertised the excitement and development of the cars over the years.It covers the Golden Age of Posters that ended in the 1980s when photography gradually took over from the evocative power of the creative image. Often commissioned to famous artists, they regularly acquired the connotation of masterpieces. All depict the days of Grands Prix or Grand Prix races, those before the

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