Loving Edie (First Time Trad) (Paperback)
作者: Meredith May 
書城編號: 24732646

原價: HK$180.00
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出版社: Park Row Books
出版日期: 2023/04/04
ISBN: 9780778387138

From the author of The Honey Bus comes a wild and emotional memoir of family and self-discovery, featuring a lovable golden retriever named Edie

When Meredith May and her wife, Jenn, adopt Edie, a sweet golden retriever puppy with brown saucer eyes and buttery-white fur, Edie immediately wins their hearts. But it isn't long until the problems begin.

Edie is an unusually anxious dog. She cowers around most people and the slightest noise sends her into a frenzy. Edie's fears become so intense that Meredith and Jenn can't leave the house. Meredith grows determined to fix Edie, but what if Edie can't be fixed?

In this heartfelt memoir, Meredith shares her unforgettable journey, from treating Edie with CBD gummies to visiting a dog medium, and the lengths she will go to save her dog. But maybe Edie is secretly the one doing the saving--if Meredith will only open her heart.

Meredith May 作者作品表

The Beekeeper’s Field Guide: Everything You Need to Know, from Honey to the Hive (Paperback)

My Hive: A Girl, Her Grandfather, and Their Honeybee Family (Hardcover)

Loving Edie (First Time Trad) (Paperback)

Honey Bus (Paperback)

Honey Bus (Hardcover)

eBook: Honey Bus (DRM EPUB)

I, Who Did Not Die (Hardcover)

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