I Can Move (Paperback)
作者: Fran Bromage 
書城編號: 24733700

售價: $93.00

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出版社: Windmill Books
出版日期: 2022/08/15
ISBN: 9781508198635

Physical activity is essential for the health and well-being of, well, everyone! Young people especially need to make exercise a permanent part of their everyday life. This entertaining book mirrors the different fun ways that readers can move--with the actions of cute and colorful animal characters. Readers are reminded they can hop and skip like frogs and kangaroos, climb and balance like monkeys, and more! The achievable rhythmic text and cheerful accompanying illustrations offer support for new vocabulary acquisition.
Fran Bromage 作者作品表

Big Words for Little Experts: Dinosaurs (Hardcover)

Big Words for Little Experts: Animals (Paperback)

I Can Eat (Paperback)

I Can Eat (Library Binding)

I Can Feel (Paperback)

I Can Feel (Library Binding)

I Can Move (Paperback)

I Can Move (Library Binding)

I Can Try (Paperback)

I Can Try (Library Binding)

I Can (Library Binding)

Princess Charlie Saves the Day! (Paperback)

Princess Charlie Saves the Day! (Library Binding)

I Can (Paperback)

Lots to Spot Flashcards: Dinosaur! (Paperback)

Lots to Spot Sticker Book: Dinosaur! (Paperback)

I can feel... (Hardcover)

I can move... (Hardcover)

I can eat... (Hardcover)

I can try... (Hardcover)

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