Eco-Friendly Living (Paperback)
作者: Katie Dicker 
書城編號: 24734569

售價: $116.00

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出版社: Powerkids Pr
出版日期: 2022/08/15
重量: 0.27 kg
ISBN: 9781725338616

Environmental issues such as climate change can seem insurmountable. However, this empowering title offers explanatory text that breaks down the latest technological advancements helping humans live more environmentally-responsible lives. Fascinating fact boxes highlight the key ideas behind environmental issues and how science and technology are addressing them. Each spread features a dynamic, futuristic design and graphic organizers that make the content more engaging. This title is sure to inspire both budding engineers and everyday individuals to take steps to use technology to live more sustainably.
Katie Dicker 作者作品表

What Can We Do?: Climate Change (Paperback)

What Can We Do?: Inequality (Paperback)

Prove It! (Library Binding)

Test It! (Paperback)

Get It Right! (Library Binding)

Test It! (Library Binding)

Get It Right! (Paperback)

Prove It! (Paperback)

What Can We Do?: Poverty and Food (Paperback)

Steam Tales: The Wind in the Willows: The Children's Classic with 20 Hands-On Steam Activities (Hardcover)

What Can We Do?: Climate Change (Hardcover)

eBook: Climate Change (DRM EPUB)

What Can We Do?: Inequality (Hardcover)

eBook: Inequality (DRM EPUB)

What Can We Do?: Poverty and Food (Hardcover)

eBook: Poverty and Food (DRM EPUB)

Green Tech (Library Binding)

Eco-Friendly Living (Library Binding)

Clean and Safe Water (Library Binding)

Clean and Safe Water (Paperback)

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