The Chemistry of Disgusting Things (Paperback)
作者: Mattia Crivellini 
書城編號: 24734604

售價: $128.00

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出版社: Powerkids Pr
出版日期: 2022/08/15
重量: 0.14 kg
ISBN: 9781725339255

It's not enough to just read about scientific concepts. Science and experimentation go hand in hand, especially when it comes to slime and other gross things! The experiments in this book offer engaging and achievable methods of learning about essential topics. Each investigation details the common ingredients needed, the degree of difficulty, the time it takes, and even the expected amount of messiness! Fun illustrated characters, including Professor Albert and Greg the Robot, accompany readers in their experiments and remind them how to complete each activity safely and successfully as well as what the conclusion means.
Mattia Crivellini 作者作品表

Optical Illusions (Library Binding)

Optical Illusions (Paperback)

Magnetism and Electricity (Library Binding)

Magnetism and Electricity (Paperback)

Light and Colors (Library Binding)

Light and Colors (Paperback)

The Chemistry of Disgusting Things (Library Binding)

The Chemistry of Disgusting Things (Paperback)

Let's Experiment (Paperback)

Let's Experiment (Library Binding)

Optical Illusions: Let's Experiment! (Hardcover)

Electricity and Magnetism: Let's Experiment! (Hardcover)

Mad for Math: Make Space for Geometry (Paperback)

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