Fuzzy Furry Ouch (Board Books)
作者: Amanda Jane Jones 
書城編號: 24740260

原價: HK$130.00
現售: HK$123.5 節省: HK$6.5

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出版社: Little Simon
出版日期: 2022/10/04
重量: 0.43 kg
ISBN: 9781665924740

This fresh, funny touch-and-feel board book will encourage little ones to feel the different textures while also teaching them what not to touch in real life!

From a fuzzy peach, to a furry caterpillar, to--ouch!--a prickly cactus, young readers will love feeling the textures in this book as they learn about what's okay to touch and what's not. From the familiar (a cactus or a stove) to the silly (a dinosaur or a rocket ship), this book is filled with playful energy, bright and bold illustrations, and humorous text that's sure to be a hit with readers young and old!

Amanda Jane Jones 作者作品表

Homebody: 12 DIY Posters to Decorate Your Happy Place (Paperback)

Mother/Founder: 67 Women on the Trials and Triumphs of Starting a Business and Raising a Family (Hardcover)

Fuzzy Furry Ouch (Board Books)

Yum Yummy Yuck (Hardcover)

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