Creative Packaging: One-Piece Packaging Solutions (Paperback)
作者: Paul Jackson 
分類: Graphic design ,
Origami & paper engineering  
書城編號: 24740448

原價: HK$349.00
現售: HK$331.55 節省: HK$17.45

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出版社: Sendpoints
出版日期: 2022/11/01
ISBN: 9789887608752

Unlike other packaging titles, which simply provide templates to copy, this book enables designers of all packaging types to create 3-D packaging forms that are specific to their needs rather than based on an existing design. It teaches a simple 'net' construction system- a one-piece 2-D configuration of card seen when a 3-D package is opened out and flattened - which enables the designer to create a huge number of very strong 3-D packaging forms that are both practical and imaginative. Each chapter concludes with photographs and net drawings oF 6-10 creative examples of packaging designs made using the principles outlined in the preceding chapter. Structural packaging gives the reader an understanding of the underlying principles of packaging construction and the technical knowledge and confidence to develop a greater number of their own unusual and innovative designs than any comparable book.
Paul Jackson 作者作品表

How to Think and Design in the Third Dimension (Paperback)

eBook: How to Think and Design in the Third Dimension (DRM EPUB)

Amite County (Paperback)

Amite County (Hardcover)

A Hole in One (Paperback)

St. Anthony Novena: Nine days devotional prayers (Paperback)

Swamp defender: A heart touching novel (Paperback)

St Philip Neri Novena: Nine days devotional prayers (Paperback)

Twenty years later: A murder (Paperback)

A thriller: 20 years later murder (Paperback)

Creative Packaging: One-Piece Packaging Solutions (Paperback)

eBook: Folding Techniques for Designers Second Edition (DRM EPUB)

102 Models of Procurement and Supply Chain Management (Revised ed) (Paperback)

eBook: the little book of smart (DRM EPUB)

Cut and Fold Techniques for Promotional Materials: Revised e (Paperback)

Conflict, Security and Development (Paperback)

How to Make Repeat Patterns (Paperback)

eBook: Cut and Fold Paper Textures (DRM PDF)

Handbook of International Security and Development (Paperback)

Best Ever Book of Paper Fun & Amazing Origami (Hardcover)

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