Critical Role: Vox Machina--Kith & Kin (Paperback)
作者: Marieke Nijkamp 
書城編號: 24752094

原價: HK$189.00
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出版社: Delrey Trade
出版日期: 2022/08/30
重量: 0.28 kg
ISBN: 9780593496640

NATIONAL BESTSELLER - Explore the past of Critical Role's daring half-elf twins, Vex'ahlia and Vax'ildan, in this original prequel novel to their adventures with Vox Machina.

Vex and Vax have always been outsiders. A harsh childhood in the elite elven city of Syngorn quickly taught them not to rely on others. Now, freed from the expectations of their exacting father and the scornful eyes of Syngorn's elves, the cunning hunter and the conning thief have made their own way in the world of Exandria.

The twins have traveled far and experienced great hardship. But with the help of Vex's quick wit and Vax's quicker dagger, they've always kept ahead of trouble. Now, unknown perils await them in the bustling city of Westruun, where the twins become entangled in a web spun by the thieves' guild known to many as the Clasp. Trapped by a hasty deal, Vex and Vax (along with Vex's faithful bear companion, Trinket) set out into the wilds to fulfill their debt to the infamous crime syndicate.

As the situation grows more complicated than they ever could have imagined, for the first time Vex and Vax find themselves on opposite sides of a conflict that threatens the home they have carried with each other for years.

Written by #1 New York Times bestselling author Marieke Nijkamp, Critical Role: Vox Machina--Kith & Kin follows a brand-new adventure that delves into the twins' unexplored history, and returns to some of the iconic moments that forged Vox Machina's most unbreakable bond.

Marieke Nijkamp 作者作品表

At the End of Everything (Paperback)

Splinter & Ash (MP3 CD)

Splinter & Ash (Compact Disc)

Splinter & Ash (Hardcover)

Ink Girls (Hardcover)

Critical Role: Vox Machina--Kith & Kin (Paperback)

Hawkeye: Kate Bishop Vol. 1 - Team Spirit (Paperback)

At the End of Everything: The World Never Wanted Them. They Refused to Be Forgotten (MP3 CD)

eBook: At the End of Everything (DRM EPUB)

At the End of Everything (Paperback)

Critical Role: Vox Machina - Kith & Kin (Paperback)

eBook: Critical Role: Vox Machina Kith & Kin (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Even If We Break (DRM EPUB)

Oracle Code (Paperback)

eBook: This Is Where It Ends (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Unbroken: 13 Stories Starring Disabled Teens (DRM EPUB)

Unbroken (Hardcover)

eBook: Before I Let Go (DRM EPUB)

Before I Let Go (Hardcover)

This Is Where It Ends - IE (Paperback)

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