Translation Project Management (Paperback)
作者: Callum Walker 
分類: Translation & interpretation ,
Project management  
書城編號: 24759076

售價: $476.00

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出版社: Routledge
出版日期: 2022/12/22
ISBN: 9780367677732


This textbook provides a comprehensive overview of the processes, principles, and constraints of project management in the translation industry. It offers readers clear insights into modern-day project management practices specific to translation services and an understanding of critical inter-related aspects of the process, drawing on key works in business studies on management, aspects of economics relevant to project management, and international standards on project management processes.

Developed on the back of a successful module titled Intercultural Project Management, Translation Project Management provides a coherent account of the entire translation project management lifecycle from start to finish and pays considerable attention to the factors influencing decision- making at various stages and how external forces shape the way in which a translation project plays out. Through an array of real-world case studies, it offers readers opportunities to explore, analyse, and engage with six fundamental project constraints: cost, time, scope, quality, benefits, and risk. Each chapter offers discussion points, possible assignments, and guided further reading.

This is an essential textbook both for all project management courses within translation studies programmes and for professional translators and translation service providers.

Additional resources are available on the Routledge Translation Studies Portal.

Callum Walker 作者作品表

Translation Project Management (Hardcover)

Translation Project Management (Paperback)

eBook: Translation Project Management (DRM PDF)

eBook: Translation Project Management (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Eye-Tracking Study of Equivalent Effect in Translation: The Reader Experience of Literary Style (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Eye-Tracking Study of Equivalent Effect in Translation: The Reader Experience of Literary Style (DRM PDF)

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