Spring Creek: Thirtieth Anniversary Edition (Hardcover)
作者: Nick Lyons 
書城編號: 24764278

原價: HK$450.00
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出版社: Skyhorse Pub
出版日期: 2022/11/01
重量: 0.56 kg
ISBN: 9781510772366

The classic memoir of a fly fisherman's love affair with a river.
For years, Nick Lyons has been one of the most popular fishing writers in America. Thirty years ago, he wrote his masterpiece, Spring Creek, now reprinted in a beautiful collector's edition.

Spring Creek is one of those rare places where the trout are as long as your arm, but also exceedingly difficult to catch. Lyons recounts a month's adventures on this river, a time in which he explores its secrets and confronts its greatest challenges. At first he catches little. Then, slowly, he acquires the various and special skills and disciplines necessary to take the large, wary brown trout of this extraordinary river.

Spring Creek is the record of halcyon days astream. It is a fisherman's book, drawing a rare portrait of an angler actually learning to fish more wisely, filled with battles between angler and trout, a few epic victories, and even more epic defeats. Spring Creek is a richly humorous and perceptive account of an angler's passion for his sport--and a book all fishermen will cherish.

Nick Lyons 作者作品表

TidalWave Comics Presents #15: Medusa and the Gorgon Sisters (Paperback)

Spring Creek: Thirtieth Anniversary Edition (Hardcover)

eBook: Fire in the Straw: Notes on Inventing a Life (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Hook, Line, and Sinker: Classic Fishing Stories (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Hook, Line, and Sinker: Classic Fishing Stories (DRM PDF)

eBook: Bright Rivers: Celebrations of Rivers and Fly-fishing (DRM EPUB)

Seasonable Angler (Hardcover)

eBook: Seasonable Angler: Journeys Through a Fisherman's Year (DRM EPUB)

1,001 Pearls of Fishing Wisdom (Paperback)

eBook: Quotable Fisherman (DRM EPUB)

The Best Fishing Stories Ever Told (Hardcover)

Best Fishing Stories Ever Told (Paperback)

Quotable Dad (Paperback)

Classic Fishing Stories: Twenty Timeless Angling Tales (Paperback)

The Quotable Fisherman (New ed) (Paperback)

The Quotable Fisherman (Hardcover)

In Praise of Wild Trout: On the Pleasure, Biology, and Preservation of Wild Trout (Limited, Leatherbound ed.) (Paperback)

In Praise of Wild Trout (Hardcover)

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