The Search for the Slimy Stone: Book 3 (Library Binding)
作者: Artur Laperla 
書城編號: 24764566

售價: $267.00

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出版社: Graphic Universe
出版日期: 2023/03/07
重量: 0.39 kg
ISBN: 9781728487045


Felix and Calcite are on a journey to a muddy swamp in the faraway Land of the Ogres. Their mission: to find the Slimy Stone, the only thing that can save the ancient Master Troll from illness! Will our heroes be able to find the rare stone and get past the ogres inside the swamp?

Don't miss Felix and Calcite's first adventures, The Land of the Trolls and Never Make a Giant Mad.

Artur Laperla, creator of the hit Super Potato series, presents a new set of laugh-out-loud adventures perfect for first-time readers of graphic novels. When Felix discovers a tunnel in his toy chest, he finds a land of trolls and a new best friend: Calcite! Felix learns that trolls are named after their favorite rocks, love munching on their favorite snacks (also rocks), and have really runny noses. Together, Felix and Calcite will encounter confused gnomes, cranky giants, talking frogs, and much more!

Artur Laperla 作者作品表

Super Potato and the Sewer Smackdown: Book 13 (Paperback)

Super Potato and the Sewer Smackdown: Book 13 (Library Binding)

eBook: Super Potato and the Slug King's Revenge: Book 12 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Super Potato and the Slug King's Revenge: Book 12 (DRM PDF)

Super Potato and the Slug King's Revenge: Book 12 (Paperback)

Super Potato and the Slug King's Revenge: Book 12 (Library Binding)

eBook: Super Potato and the Return of Zort: Book 11 (DRM EPUB)

Super Potato and the Return of Zort: Book 11 (Paperback)

eBook: Super Potato and the Return of Zort: Book 11 (DRM PDF)

eBook: Super Potato and the Return of Zort: Book 11 (DRM EPUB)

Super Potato and the Return of Zort: Book 11 (Library Binding)

4 Cobayas Mutantes. La Bestia de Las Profundidades: (4 Guinea Pigs. the Beast of the Deep - Spanish Edition) (Paperback)

4 Cobayas Mutantes. El Secuestro de Pantaleone: (4 Guinea Pigs. the Kidnapping of Pantaleone - Spanish Edition) (Paperback)

eBook: Search for the Slimy Stone: Book 3 (DRM EPUB)

The Search for the Slimy Stone: Book 3 (Paperback)

eBook: Search for the Slimy Stone (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Search for the Slimy Stone (DRM PDF)

The Search for the Slimy Stone: Book 3 (Library Binding)

eBook: Super Potato's Middle Ages Adventure (DRM EPUB)

Super Potato's Middle Ages Adventure: Book 10 (Library Binding)

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