Artemis the Brave Graphic Novel (Hardcover)
作者: Joan Holub 
書城編號: 24771414

原價: HK$210.00
現售: HK$199.5 節省: HK$10.5

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出版社: Aladdin
出版日期: 2023/02/28
重量: 0.5 kg
ISBN: 9781534473966

Artemis finds her courage in this fourth book in the Goddess Girls Graphic Novel series, based on the popular Goddess Girls series.

Everyone sees Artemis, goddess of the hunt, as the bravest goddess girl at Mount Olympus Academy. What her classmates and best friends don't realize is that sometimes she isn't as courageous as she seems. And, when Orion--a foreign exchange student from Earth--enters the picture, she is even more nervous than usual! Can Artemis prove to her friends, and herself, that she can live up to her name?

Joan Holub 作者作品表

Goddess Girls Shimmering Collection (Boxed Set): Persephone the Daring; Cassandra the Lucky; Athena the Proud; Iris the Colorful; Aphrodite the Fair;

The Eye of Cyclops: A Quix Book (Paperback)

The Eye of Cyclops: A Quix Book (Hardcover)

Time Travelers (Paperback)

Time Travelers (Hardcover)

Rise of Pegasus: A Quix Book (Hardcover)

Rise of Pegasus: A Quix Book (Paperback)

Artemis & the Dog's Diamond: Little Goddess Girls 12 (Hardcover)

Artemis & the Dog's Diamond: Little Goddess Girls 12 (Paperback)

Elpis the Hopeful (Paperback)

Elpis the Hopeful (Hardcover)

Heroes in Training Graphic Novel Mythical Collection (Boxed Set): Zeus and the Thunderbolt of Doom Graphic Novel; Poseidon and the Sea of Fury Graphic

Goddess Girls Graphic Novel Legendary Collection (Boxed Set): Athena the Brain Graphic Novel; Persephone the Phony Graphic Novel; Aphrodite the Beauty

Bears Are Best!: The Scoop about How We Sniff, Sneak, Snack, and Snooze! (Library Binding)

Aphrodite & the Dragon's Emerald: Little Goddess Girls 11 (Hardcover)

Aphrodite & the Dragon's Emerald: Little Goddess Girls 11 (Paperback)

¿Qué Es La Estatua de la Libertad? (Paperback)

Goddess Girls Magical Collection (Boxed Set): Athena the Brain; Persephone the Phony; Aphrodite the Beauty; Artemis the Brave (Boxed Set) (Paperback)

Goddess Girls Spectacular Collection (Boxed Set): Athena the Brain; Persephone the Phony; Aphrodite the Beauty; Artemis the Brave; Athena the Wise; Ap

Artemis the Brave Graphic Novel (Hardcover)

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