eBook: Where My Feet Fall: Going for a Walk in Twenty Stories (mp3 zips)
電子書格式: mp3 zips
作者: Duncan Minshull 
分類: Anthologies (non-poetry) ,
Walking, hiking, trekking ,
Scotland ,
North America  
書城編號: 24786351

原價: HK$173.00
現售: HK$164.35 節省: HK$8.65

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: HarperCollins Publishers
出版日期: 2022/03/31
ISBN: 9780008414139

Where can a walk take you? It goes without saying, walking can connect us to our surroundings and free us from our worries. It can raise our heart rate and relax our minds. It can lead us across historic ground and inspire new thinking. In this beautiful collection, twenty outstanding writers set out with old memories and new adventures. 'I've always hated walking,' Harland Miller offers as his precis, while Ingrid Persaud and Agnes Poirier consider the rituals of pilgrimage and protest march. 'It isn't a walking city,' Kamila Shamsie writes of Karachi, though she strides across it regardless. On the shores of Foulness Island, Will Self hopes to avoid landmines. In a forest north of Berlin, Jessica J. Lee gets soaked, then lost. And pacing around Delhi, Keshava Guha is interrupted by a husky. 'During the pandemic of 2020,' he writes, looking back. 'He was the only thing I hugged.' These are stories to dip into, from all walks of life. Together they capture the magic and opportunity that can arrive when you put one foot in front of the other. This collection features Tim Parks, Kamila Shamsie, Will Self, Nicholas Shakespeare, Irenosen Okojie, Ingrid Persaud, AL Kennedy, Cynan Jones, Sally Bayley, Joanna Kavenna, Kathleen Rooney, Richard Ford, Harland Miller, Keshava Guha, Agnes Poirier, Josephine Rowe, Sinead Gleeson, Pico Iyer, Patrick Gale and Jessica J. Lee.
Duncan Minshull 作者作品表

eBook: Globetrotting (DRM EPUB)

Where My Feet Fall: Going for a Walk in Twenty Stories (Paperback)

eBook: Where My Feet Fall: Going for a Walk in Twenty Stories (mp3 zips)

eBook: Where My Feet Fall: Going for a Walk in Twenty Stories (DRM EPUB)

Where My Feet Fall: Going for a Walk in Twenty Stories (MP3 CD)

Where My Feet Fall: Going for a Walk in Twenty Stories

Where My Feet Fall (Paperback)

Where My Feet Fall (Paperback)

eBook: Sauntering (DRM EPUB)

Beneath My Feet (Paperback)

Beneath My Feet (Hardcover)

While Wandering (Hardcover)

Burning Leg (Hardcover)

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