eBook: Art of Complicity in Martial and Statius: Martial's Epigrams, Statius' Silvae, and Domitianic Rome (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Erik Gunderson 
系列: Classics in Theory Series
分類: Classical texts ,
Literary studies: classical, early & medieval ,
Literary studies: poetry & poets ,
Latin ,
BCE to c 500 CE  
書城編號: 24791839

售價: $1066.00

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製造商: OUP Oxford
出版日期: 2021/08/05
頁數: 376
ISBN: 9780192653086
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The Art of Complicity in Martial and Statius examines the relationship between politics and aesthetics in two poets from the reign of Domitian. Gunderson offers a comprehensive overview of the Epigrams of Martial and the Siluae of Statius. The praise of power found in these texts is not something forced upon these poems, nor is it a mere appendage to these works. Instead, power and poetry as a pair are a fundamental dyad that can and shouldbe traced throughout the two collections. It is present even when the emperor himself is not the topic of discussion. In Martial the portrait of power is constantly shifting. Poetic play takes up the topic of political power and 'plays around with it'. The initial relatively sportive attitude darkens over time. Late in the game we have ecstasies of humiliation. After Domitian dies the project tries to get back to the old games, but it cannot. Statius' Siluae merge the lies one tells to power with the lies of poetry more generally. Poetic mastery and political mastery cannot be dissociated. The glib,glitzy poetry of contemporary life articulates a radical modernism that is self-authorizing, and so complicit with a power whose structure it mirrors. What does it mean to praise praise poetry? To celebrate celebrations? Gunderson's discussion opens and closes with a meditation upon the dangers of complicit criticism and the seductions of a discourse of pure art in a world where the art is anything but pure.
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Erik Gunderson 作者作品表

eBook: Art of Complicity in Martial and Statius: Martial's Epigrams, Statius' Silvae, and Domitianic Rome (DRM PDF)

eBook: Art of Complicity in Martial and Statius: Martial's Epigrams, Statius' Silvae, and Domitianic Rome (DRM EPUB)

Laughing Awry: Plautus and Tragicomedy (Hardcover)

eBook: Laughing Awry: Plautus and Tragicomedy (DRM PDF)

Cambridge Companion to Ancient Rhetoric (Paperback)

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