eBook: China's Technological Leapfrogging and Economic Catch-up: A Schumpeterian Perspective (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Keun Lee 
分類: Economic growth ,
Development economics & emerging economies ,
書城編號: 24792108

售價: $813.00

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製造商: OUP Oxford
出版日期: 2021/12/14
頁數: 240
ISBN: 9780192663344
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After the miraculous economic growth known as the Beijing Consensus, China is now facing a slowdown. The attention has moved to the issue of the middle income trap. This book deals with this interesting issue in the context of China. It also discusses China's limitations and future prospects, especially after the rise of a new "cold war" between China and the US, namely the question of whether China would fall into another trap called the "Thucydides trap", orconflict with the existing hegemon as a rising power. In sum, this book plays around three key terms, namely, the Beijing Consensus, the Middle Income Trap, and the Thucydides trap, and applies a Schumpeterian approach to these concepts. It also conducts a comparative analysis that examines China from an"economic catch-up" perspective. An economic catch-up starts from learning and imitating a forerunner, but finishing the race successfully requires taking a different path along the road. This act is also known as leapfrogging, which implies a latecomer doing something different from, and often ahead of, a forerunner. Technological leapfrogging may lead to technological catch-up, which means reducing the technological gap, and then finally to economic catch-up in living standards (per capitaincome) and economic size (GDP: economic power). This linkage from technological leapfrogging and catch-up to economic catch-up corresponds exactly with a similar linkage from the Beijing Consensus to escaping (or not) the middle income and the Thucydides traps. One conclusion from this book is thatChina's successful rise as a global industrial power has been due to its strategy of technological leapfrogging, which has enabled China to move beyond the middle income trap and possibly the Thucydides trap, although at a slower speed.
Keun Lee 作者作品表

Innovation-Development Detours for Latecomers: Managing Global-Local Interfaces in the De-Globalization Era (Hardcover)

Innovation–Development Detours for Latecomers: Managing Global-Local Interfaces in the De-Globalization Era (Paperback)

eBook: Innovation-Development Detours for Latecomers: Managing Global-Local Interfaces in the De-Globalization Era (DRM EPUB)

eBook: China's Technological Leapfrogging and Economic Catch-up: A Schumpeterian Perspective (DRM PDF)

eBook: China's Technological Leapfrogging and Economic Catch-up: A Schumpeterian Perspective (DRM EPUB)

Art of Economic Catch-Up (Paperback)


Schumpeterian Analysis of Economic Catch-Up (Hardcover)

Power and Sustainability of the Chinese State

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