eBook: Manifesto: A radically honest and inspirational memoir from the Booker Prize winning author of Girl, Woman, Other (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Bernardine Evaristo 
分類: Memoirs ,
Literary essays ,
Feminism & feminist theory  
書城編號: 24797251

售價: $143.00

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製造商: Penguin Books Ltd
出版日期: 2021/10/07
頁數: 208
ISBN: 9780241993637
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'Promises to make for one of 2021's must-read memoirs' StylistThe powerful, urgent manifesto on never giving up from Booker prize-winning trailblazer, Bernardine Evaristo.In 2019, Bernardine Evaristo became the first black woman to win the Booker Prize since its inception fifty years earlier - a revolutionary landmark for Britain. Her journey was a long one, but she made it, and she made history.Manifesto is her intimate and fearless account of how she did it. From a childhood steeped in racism from neighbours, priests and even some white members of her own family, to discovering the arts through her local youth theatre; from stuffing her belongings into bin bags, always on the move between temporary homes, to exploring many romantic partners both toxic and loving, male and female, and eventually finding her soulmate; from setting up Britain's first theatre company for Black women in the eighties to growing into the trailblazing writer, theatre-maker, teacher, mentor and activist we see today - Bernardine charts her rebellion against the mainstream and her life-long commitment to community and creativity. And, through the prism of her extraordinary experiences, she offers vital insights into the nature of race, class, feminism, sexuality and ageing in modern Britain.Bernardine Evaristo's life story is a manifesto for courage, integrity, optimism, resourcefulness and tenacity. It's a manifesto for anyone who has ever stood on the margins, and anyone who wants to make their mark on history. It's a manifesto for being unstoppable.'Bernardine Evaristo is one of those writers who should be read by everyone, everywhere' Elif Shafak 'Bernardine Evaristo is one of Britain's best writers, an iconic and unique voice, filled with warmth, subtlety and humanity. Exceptional' Nikesh Shukla 'Bernardine Evaristo is the most daring, imaginative and innovative of writers' Inua Ellams
Bernardine Evaristo 作者作品表

Mr. Loverman (Paperback)

Mr Loverman: From the Booker prize-winning author of Girl, Woman, Other (Paperback)

Mr Loverman: From the Booker prize-winning author of Girl, Woman, Other (Paperback)

Soul Tourists (Compact Disc)

Soul Tourists (MP3 CD)

Manifesto: A radically honest and inspirational memoir from the Booker Prize winning author of Girl, Woman, Other (Paperback)

eBook: Penguin Readers Level 7: Girl, Woman, Other (ELT Graded Reader) (DRM EPUB)

Penguin Readers Level 7: Girl, Woman, Other (ELT Graded Reader) (Paperback)

eBook: lany, a no, a tobbiek (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Manifesto (mp3 zips)

Feminism (Book)

eBook: Manifesto: A radically honest and inspirational memoir from the Booker Prize winning author of Girl, Woman, Other (mp3 zips)

eBook: Manifesto: A radically honest and inspirational memoir from the Booker Prize winning author of Girl, Woman, Other (DRM EPUB)

Manifesto: A radically honest and inspirational memoir from the Booker Prize winning author of Girl, Woman, Other (Hardcover)

eBook: Blonde Roots: From the Booker prize-winning author of Girl, Woman, Other (DRM EPUB)

Emperor's Babe (Paperback)

Girl Woman Other (paperback)

eBook: Girl, Woman, Other: WINNER OF THE BOOKER PRIZE 2019 (DRM EPUB)

Girl, Woman, Other (Hardcover)

eBook: Mr. Loverman: A Novel (DRM EPUB)

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