eBook: Philosophy of an Explorer: 16 Life-lessons from Surviving the Extreme (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Erling Kagge 
分類: Memoirs ,
True stories: discovery / historical / scientific ,
True stories of heroism, endurance & survival ,
Philosophy of mind ,
Popular philosophy ,
Geographical discovery & exploration ,
Self-help & personal development ,
Mind, Body, Spirit: thought & practice ,
Walking, hiking, trekking ,
Climbing & mountaineering ,
Travel writing ,
Polar regions  
書城編號: 24797258

售價: $117.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Penguin Books Ltd
出版日期: 2021/11/04
頁數: 208
ISBN: 9780241993996
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'Erling Kagge transforms and consoles us' Alain de Botton ____________________________Surviving extreme conditions can teach us to lead a fulfilled life. No one knows this better than Erling Kagge, who was the first man in history to reach all of the Earth's poles by foot - the North, the South, and the summit of Everest. In Philosophy for Polar Explorers he brings together the wisdom and expertise he has gained from the expeditions that have taken him to the limits of the earth, and of human endurance.In sixteen meditative but practical lessons - from cultivating an optimistic outlook, to getting up at the right time, to learning to take pleasure in the small things and comfort in solitude - Erling Kagge reveals what survival in the most extreme conditions can teach us about how to lead a meaningful life. Wherever we may be headed. ____________________________'His wisdom will soothe and awaken' Fearne Cotton'A delightful book that explores the strange land between getting out of bed in the morning and reaching for the moon Tristan Gooley'A wonderfully deft Swiss army knife of a book' Dan Richards'As an explorer Erling Kagge is world class; as a writer he is equally gifted' Sir Ranulph Fiennes 'Erling Kagge is a philosophical adventurer - or perhaps an adventurous philosopher' The New York Times'An author for our noisy times, full of a rare and deeply redemptive languor and perspective' Alain de Botton
Erling Kagge 作者作品表

The North Pole: The History of an Obsession (Hardcover)

North Pole (Hardcover)

eBook: Philosophy of an Explorer: 16 Life-lessons from Surviving the Extreme (DRM EPUB)

The Philosophy of an Explorer: 16 Life-lessons from Surviving the Extreme (Paperback)

eBook: Philosophy for Polar Explorers (DRM EPUB)

Walking (Paperback)

Philosophy for Polar Explorers: An Adventurer's Guide to Surviving Winter (Hardcover)

eBook: Philosophy for Polar Explorers: An Adventurer s Guide to Surviving Winter (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Liniste intr-o epoca a zgomotului (DRM EPUB)

Walking (Hardcover)

Silence (Paperback)

Silence (Hardcover)

Under Manhattan (Paperback)

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