eBook: This All Come Back Now (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Mykaela Saunders 
分類: Science fiction ,
Short stories  
書城編號: 24810959

售價: $143.00

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製造商: University of Queensland Press
出版日期: 2022/05/02
ISBN: 9780702266911

The first-ever anthology of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander speculative fiction – written, curated, edited and designed by blackfellas, for blackfellas and about blackfellas. In these stories, ‘this all come back': all those things that have been taken from us, that we collectively mourn the loss of, or attempt to recover and revive, as well as those that we thought we'd gotten rid of, that are always returning to haunt and hound us. Some writers summon ancestral spirits from the past, while others look straight down the barrel of potential futures, which always end up curving back around to hold us from behind. Dazzling, imaginative and unsettling, This All Come Back Now centres and celebrates communities and culture. It's a love letter to kin and country, to memory and future-thinking.
Mykaela Saunders 作者作品表

Plains of Promise (0003) (Paperback)

Always Will Be: Stories of Goori Sovereignty from the Futures of the Tweed (Paperback)

eBook: Always Will Be: Stories of Goori sovereignty from the futures of the Tweed (DRM PDF)

eBook: Always Will Be: Stories of Goori sovereignty from the futures of the Tweed (DRM EPUB)

eBook: This All Come Back Now (DRM PDF)

eBook: This All Come Back Now (DRM EPUB)

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