eBook: ArtQuake: The Most Disruptive Works in Modern Art (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Susie Hodge 
系列: Culture Quake
分類: History of art & design styles: from c 1900 - ,
Individual artists, art monographs ,
Popular culture  
書城編號: 24810975

原價: HK$130.00
現售: HK$123.5 節省: HK$6.5

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製造商: Frances Lincoln
出版日期: 2021/10/26
頁數: 192
ISBN: 9780711254770
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Discover art that dared to be different, risked reputations and put careers in jeopardy. This is what happens when artists take tradition and rip it up. ArtQuaketells the stories of 50pivotal works that shook the world, telling the fascinating stories behind their creation, reception and legacy. The books begin with the rebels who struck out against Victorian conformism, daring painters and sculptors like Manet and Rodin, Van Gogh andCourbet,who experimented with expressionist and realist art styles as well as controversial subjects. Moving into the fin de siecle and the 20th century, we study the truly iconic works and turbulent livesof artists like Munch and Klimt, Picasso and Egon Schiele,whose work into abstraction, surrealism and cubism shocked and scandalized, but ultimately changed the course of western art forever. Moving into the second half of the 20th Century, we see spectacular works of conceptual rebellion, absurdity and political protest, from Andy Warhol and the Pop Art movement to Marina Abramovic, whose often visceral and violent works of performance art laid bare the savagery of the patriarchy and the human condition. In the 21st century, we see how iconoclastic creators have pushed the boundaries of art even further, from Banksy to Louise Bourgeoise,from self-destructing paintings to experimental works of computerized art. Complete with beautiful reproductions of their iconic works, as well as a glossary of terms and movements at the back,meet thehuge egos, uncompromising feminists, gifted recluses, spiritualists, anti-consumerists, activists andsatiristswho have irrevocably carved their names into the history of art around the world. In telling the history of modern and contemporary art through the works that were truly disruptive, and explaining the context in which each was created, ArtQuakedemonstratesthe heartof modern art, which is toconstantly question and challenge expectation. This book is from the Culture Quake series, which looks into iconic moments of culture which truly created paradigm shifts in their respective fields. Also available isFilmQuake, which tells the stories of 50 key films that consciously questioned the boundaries, challenged the status quo and made shockwaves we are still feeling today.
Culture Quake

eBook: MusicQuake: The Most Disruptive Moments in Music (DRM EPUB)

eBook: FashionQuake: The Most Disruptive Moments in Fashion (DRM EPUB)

eBook: ArtQuake: The Most Disruptive Works in Modern Art (DRM EPUB)

eBook: FilmQuake: The Most Disruptive Films in Cinema (DRM EPUB)

Susie Hodge 作者作品表

Art Masters: Vincent Van Gogh (Hardcover)

Art Masters: Michelangelo (Hardcover)

The Short Story of Contemporary Art: A Pocket Guide to Key Movements, Works, Themes & Techniques (Paperback)

Art Masters: Michelangelo (Hardcover)

Art Masters: Vincent Van Gogh (Hardcover)

Vincent Van Gogh: A Pop-Up Book (Board book)

Leonardo Da Vinci: A Pop-Up Book (Board book)

The Story of Art in 1000 Pieces (Jigsaw)

Draw 30: Dogs: In Easy Steps (Hardcover)

eBook: Draw 30: Dogs: in easy steps (DRM PDF)

Art Heist: 50 Stolen Artworks You Will Never See (Hardcover)

Make Art: 20+ Free-play Art Projects to Create (Kit)

eBook: Elements of Art: Ten Ways to Decode the Masterpieces (DRM EPUB)

Just Draw! Anything in 15 Minutes (Paperback)

eBook: Artists at Home (DRM EPUB)

Artists at Home (Hardcover)

eBook: Just Draw!: A Creative Step-by-Step Guide for Artists (DRM EPUB)

Just Draw!: A Creative Step-by-Step Guide for Artists (Paperback)

Titian: His Life and Works in 500 Images: An illustrated exploration of the artist and his context, with a gallery of his paintings and drawings (Hard

eBook: 50 Art Ideas You Really Need to Know (DRM EPUB)

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