eBook: Fruit Full (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Christie Thomas 
書城編號: 24818344

售價: $247.00

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製造商: Kregel Publications
出版日期: 2022/02/15
ISBN: 9780825477768

A fun family devotional inspiring children to understand the fruit of the SpiritIt's common for kids to memorize the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, goodness, self-control, and all the rest. But that doesn't mean they understand what it means. Is peace just not fighting with your siblings? Does self-control mean resisting a second dessert? When Mom and Dad explain these concepts just in terms of morality, we miss the mark.Christie Thomas is skilled at taking complex ideas and making them accessible to kids . . . and adults learn a lot along the way too. Each of her devotions is designed to help parents connect their children with the Holy Spirit through a Scripture passage, thought-provoking questions, ways to apply each verse, and a prayer. And for each fruit, parents can use the optional hands-on activities when there's extra time.Perfect for kicking off the New Year as a family, these 100 devotional experiences include illustrated examples of each fruit of the Spirit. They demonstrate the hands, heart, and habits of Jesus and also teach children to spend time with the good God who loves them. By understanding how he covers them with his goodness and how his Spirit helps them grow their own beautiful, Jesus-reflecting character, the whole family will connect to the Vine and grow abundant fruit together.
Christie Thomas 作者作品表

Little Habits, Big Faith: How Simple Practices Help Your Family Grow in Jesus (Paperback)

Little Habits, Big Faith: How Simple Practices Help Your Family Grow in Jesus (MP3 CD)

eBook: Little Habits, Big Faith (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Fruit Full (DRM EPUB)

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