eBook: Financial Intelligence for IT Professionals: The Story of the Numbers (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Julie Bonner 
分類: Economics of industrial organisation ,
Economic forecasting ,
Corporate finance ,
Banking ,
Credit & credit institutions ,
Investment & securities ,
Insurance & actuarial studies ,
Pensions ,
Property & real estate ,
Business strategy ,
Business mathematics & systems ,
Information technology: general issues ,
Databases ,
Computer science  
書城編號: 24827233

售價: $481.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: CRC Press
出版日期: 2021/12/08
頁數: 177
ISBN: 9781000487374
>> 相關實體書

There are many books written for the accounting and finance community. However, there are very few books written to help the non-financial career professionals who still need to understand the conceptual fundamentals of accounting and finance. In 20 years of teaching this material to non-financial professionals, Dr. Bonner has perfected a teaching approach that works to help the non-financial professional engage with the material to use financial information in leveraging their career without becoming overloaded with information that is not helpful to them. Learning this material takes repetition, application, and building the thinking processes necessary for effectiveness. Many think the challenge with finance is the math, but as this book will demonstrate, it is a conceptual problem. If you understand the conceptual framework, you will understand the math.Dr. Julie Bonner is currently a tenured professor at Central Washington University in the information technology and administrative management department. Her career has spanned business and education for over 30 years. Initially, she received a Bachelor of Science degree in accounting, whereafter she earned an MBA and then a doctorate in organizational leadership.
Julie Bonner 作者作品表

eBook: Financial Intelligence for IT Professionals: The Story of the Numbers (DRM PDF)

eBook: Financial Intelligence for IT Professionals: The Story of the Numbers (DRM EPUB)

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