eBook: Informal Leadership, Strategy and Organizational Change: The Power of Silent Authority (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Brenetia J. Adams-Robinson 
系列: Routledge Focus on Business and Management
分類: Sociology: work & labour ,
Politics & government ,
Economics ,
Economic systems & structures ,
Business strategy ,
Management & management techniques ,
Management: leadership & motivation ,
Personnel & human resources management ,
Business communication & presentation ,
Organizational theory & behaviour ,
Events management industries ,
Sports & outdoor recreation  
書城編號: 24832218

售價: $260.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2021/12/24
頁數: 132
ISBN: 9781000547559
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Across the spectrum of organizational operations, workplace interactions have proven to be one of the most difficult activities for leaders to manage effectively, especially during any level of change. In these circumstances, leadership strategies, especially related to change and leadership transition, consistently fail at an alarming rate. Additionally, employee engagement and team collaboration continue to be among the most elusive concepts for those in leadership to master.This book explores the influence of the informal leader on team member engagement during major change initiative in the organizational paradigm, with a special emphasis on leaders who are new to the team composite. This book examines the role of the informal leader in promoting or hindering team member engagement and organizational citizenship behaviors in change dynamics with a focus on change in the leadership structure and major initiatives. The relationship between the formal and informal leader is explored to assess impact on team interactions and capacity to effectively execute change strategies.This book provides critical information to aid in organizations achieving long-term success and will be of interest to researchers, academics, and students in the fields of leadership, organizational studies, strategy, and human resource management.
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Brenetia J. Adams-Robinson 作者作品表

eBook: Informal Leadership, Strategy and Organizational Change: The Power of Silent Authority (DRM PDF)

eBook: Informal Leadership, Strategy and Organizational Change: The Power of Silent Authority (DRM EPUB)

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