A Study Into Infant Mental Health: Drawing Together Perspectives of International Research, Theory, and Practical Intervention (Hardcover)
作者: Hazel G. Whitters 
分類: Social work ,
Psychoanalytical theory (Freudian psychology) ,
Child & developmental psychology ,
Family psychology ,
Mental health services ,
書城編號: 24848656

售價: $1680.00

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出版社: Routledge
出版日期: 2022/12/28
ISBN: 9781032414416


This book is a study of infant mental health which blends knowledge and understanding from three perspectives: international research, theory, and intervention. The volume increases awareness of the significance of infant mental health, adding to the growing body of literature on influences upon lifestyles, communities, society, and attainment.

The significance of mental health to development has come to the fore in recent years and research in neuroscience is used to explore, and to understand the complexities of the human brain. Each infant is exposed to unique influences before and after birth. Neuroscience, genetics, adverse childhood experiences, and personalities feature in the chapters as mitigating factors to attainment. Exemplars create a bridge between research and implementation of recommendations, and illustrate the myriad of influences and permutations that can enhance or hinder development. This book discusses internal influences from an infant's biological make-up, alongside the circumstances and relationships within a family unit, as understanding these key aspects is integral to promotion of each infant's life chances. The volume concludes by considering future approaches to nurturing infant mental health.

Carefully designed to stimulate discussion and professional inquiry, this volume is an invaluable resource for researchers, academics, and scholars with an interest in infant mental health.

Hazel G. Whitters 作者作品表

eBook: Study into Infant Mental Health: Drawing together Perspectives of International Research, Theory, and Practical Intervention (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Study into Infant Mental Health: Drawing together Perspectives of International Research, Theory, and Practical Intervention (DRM PDF)

A Study Into Infant Mental Health: Drawing Together Perspectives of International Research, Theory, and Practical Intervention (Paperback)

A Study Into Infant Mental Health: Drawing Together Perspectives of International Research, Theory, and Practical Intervention (Hardcover)

eBook: Adverse Childhood Experiences, Attachment, and the Early Years Learning Environment: Research and Inclusive Practice (DRM PDF)

eBook: Adverse Childhood Experiences, Attachment, and the Early Years Learning Environment: Research and Inclusive Practice (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Attainment and Executive Functioning in the Early Years: Research for Inclusive Practice and Lifelong Learning (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Attainment and Executive Functioning in the Early Years: Research for Inclusive Practice and Lifelong Learning (DRM PDF)

eBook: Family Learning to Inclusion in the Early Years: Theory, Practice, and Partnerships (DRM PDF)

eBook: Family Learning to Inclusion in the Early Years: Theory, Practice, and Partnerships (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Nursery Nurse to Early Years' Practitioner: Role, Relationships and Responsibilities (DRM PDF)

eBook: Nursery Nurse to Early Years' Practitioner: Role, Relationships and Responsibilities (DRM EPUB)

Nursery Nurse to Early Years' Practitioner: Role, Relationships and Responsibilities (Hardcover)

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