eBook: Lockdown Shakespeare: New Evolutions in Performance and Adaptation (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Allred Gemma Kate Allred, Broadribb Benjamin Broadribb, Sullivan Erin Sullivan, Burnett Mark Thornto 
系列: Shakespeare and Adaptation
分類: Theatre studies ,
Theatre direction & production ,
Plays, playscripts ,
Literary studies: plays & playwrights ,
Shakespeare studies & criticism  
書城編號: 24866712

售價: $339.00

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製造商: Bloomsbury Publishing
出版日期: 2022/06/16
頁數: 296
ISBN: 9781350247819
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This edited collection offers the first in-depth analysis and sourcebook for 'Lockdown Shakespeare'. It brings together scholars of stage, screen, early modern and adaptation studies to examine the work that emerged during the Covid-19 pandemic and considers issues of form, liveness, reception, presence and community. Interviews with theatre makers and artists illuminate the challenges and benefits of creating new work online, while educators consider how digital tools have facilitated the teaching of Shakespeare through performance. Together, the chapters in this book offer readers the definitive work on the performance and adaptation of Shakespeare online during the pandemic.From The Show Must Go Online, which presented Shakespeare's First Folio via YouTube, to Creation Theatre and Big Telly's interactive The Tempest and Macbeth, which used Zoom as their stage, the book documents the variety and richness of work that emerged during the pandemic. It reveals how, by taking Shakespeare online in new and innovative ways, the theatre industry sparked the evolution of new forms of performance with their own conventions, aesthetics and notions of liveness. Among the other productions discussed are Arden Theatre Company's A Midsummer Night's Dream, Tender Claws' 'The Under Presents: Tempest', The Shakespeare Ensemble's What You Will, Merced Shakespearefest's Ricardo II, CtrlAltRepeat's Midsummer Night Stream, Sally McLean's Shakespeare Republic: #AllTheWebsAStage (The Lockdown Chronicles) and Justina Taft Mattos's Moore A Pacific Island Othello.
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