eBook: 50 Gems of Guernsey: The History & Heritage of the Most Iconic Places (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Soo Wellfair 
系列: 50 Gems
分類: Local interest, family history & nostalgia ,
Local history ,
Channel Islands  
書城編號: 24873002

原價: HK$168.00
現售: HK$159.6 節省: HK$8.4

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Amberley Publishing
出版日期: 2022/07/15
頁數: 96
ISBN: 9781398103573

Guernsey is a beautiful Channel Island with a fascinating history and breathtaking scenery. With an area of just 24 square miles, visitors are astonished at just how much there is to see and do. The island's varied landscape ranges from beautiful beaches, stunning cliffs and lush countryside to the quirky, cobbled streets of the harbour town of St Peter Port. In this book, accredited tour guide Soo Wellfair takes us on a journey around the island to discover fifty of its cherished places. Guernsey's many visitors find themselves immersed in the delights of this quaint and charming island and the author leads us to some of her favourite hidden treasures. Seek out the tiny chapel decorated in broken pieces of pottery and the clifftop woodland that comes alive every year when it is swathed in a blanket of bluebells. Explore Guernsey's historic sites from throughout the island's history. From Neolithic times through to the medieval and Tudor periods, and even to the more contemporary structures built during the occupation of Guernsey in the Second World War, this is an island that is small in size but immense in history and beauty. Illustrated throughout, 50 Gems of Guernsey will appeal to residents, visitors and all those interested in the island's history.
50 Gems

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eBook: 50 Gems of Guernsey: The History & Heritage of the Most Iconic Places (DRM EPUB)

... [顯示此系列所有商品]

Soo Wellfair 作者作品表

Guernsey in 50 Buildings (Paperback)

Illustrated Tales of Guernsey (Paperback)

eBook: Illustrated Tales of Guernsey (DRM EPUB)

50 Gems of Guernsey: The History & Heritage of the Most Iconic Places (Paperback)

eBook: 50 Gems of Guernsey: The History & Heritage of the Most Iconic Places (DRM EPUB)

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