eBook: Australian Buses and Coaches (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Tony Finneran 
系列: Buses and Coaches
分類: Buses, trams & commercial vehicles: general interest ,
書城編號: 24873024

原價: HK$168.00
現售: HK$159.6 節省: HK$8.4

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製造商: Amberley Publishing
出版日期: 2022/01/15
頁數: 96
ISBN: 9781398105133

This book offers a chronological view from the oldest colour images to the latest buses. It focuses mainly on buses, although many Australian-built chassis were generally used for coach operations and some of these are featured. Before the Second World War, buses were mainly of British origin with local bodywork. During the 1970s the European invasion rose to its heights and they make up the bulk of the modern chassis. Australia was influenced by many chassis manufacturers from Japan, Korea, USA, New Zealand and Canada. Body builders were present in every state and had a diverse product range. This book features many of the various body designs used. Sharing many highlights from the story of buses in Australia, this lavishly illustrated book will delight the bus and coach enthusiast and bring back memories for anybody who has ever stepped on an Australian bus.
Buses and Coaches

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