eBook: Cybersecurity for Business: Organization-Wide Strategies to Ensure Cyber Risk Is Not Just an IT Issue (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Larry Clinton 
分類: Risk assessment ,
Business strategy ,
Computer security  
書城編號: 24875061

售價: $429.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Kogan Page
出版日期: 2022/04/03
ISBN: 9781398606395
>> 相關實體書

Balance the benefits of digital transformation with the associated risks with this guide to effectively managing cybersecurity as a strategic business issue. Important and cost-effective innovations can substantially increase cyber risk and the loss of intellectual property, corporate reputation and consumer confidence. Over the past several years, organizations around the world have increasingly come to appreciate the need to address cybersecurity issues from a business perspective, not just from a technical or risk angle. Cybersecurity for Business builds on a set of principles developed with international leaders from technology, government and the boardroom to lay out a clear roadmap of how to meet goals without creating undue cyber risk.This essential guide outlines the true nature of modern cyber risk, and how it can be assessed and managed using modern analytical tools to put cybersecurity in business terms. It then describes the roles and responsibilities each part of the organization has in implementing an effective enterprise-wide cyber risk management program, covering critical issues such as incident response, supply chain management and creating a culture of security. Bringing together a range of experts and senior leaders, this edited collection enables leaders and students to understand how to manage digital transformation and cybersecurity from a business perspective.
Larry Clinton 作者作品表

eBook: Cybersicherheit fur Unternehmen (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Cybersecurity for Business: Organization-Wide Strategies to Ensure Cyber Risk Is Not Just an IT Issue (DRM PDF)

eBook: Cybersecurity for Business: Organization-Wide Strategies to Ensure Cyber Risk Is Not Just an IT Issue (DRM EPUB)

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