eBook: Too Small Tola Gets Tough (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Atinuke, Onyinye Iwu 
分類: Family & home stories (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 24876646

售價: $91.00

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製造商: Walker Books
出版日期: 2022/07/07
ISBN: 9781406320091

Tola may be small, but she's very determined!Too Small Tola lives in a flat in Lagos with her sister, Moji, who is very clever, her brother, Dapo, who is very fast, and Grandmummy, who is very bossy. One day Tola discovers the secret of multiplication and division. She is so happy!But then there is news of a deadly virus, and news of lockdown too. Moji goes away to live and study with her teacher and Dapo goes off to live and work with his boss. Grandmummy cannot go out to work so Tola does instead.Tola goes to live with a wealthy couple, the Diamonds. She cleans and washes and scrubs, scrubs, scrubs. She befriends the other workers too. But she soon learns that even the wealthy Dimonds have problems of their own. And when it comes to solving them, Tola proves once again how kind and clever, mighty and resourceful she truly is.
Atinuke 作者作品表

100 Goats and Granny! (Hardcover)

You're Amazing, Anna Hibiscus! (Paperback)

You're Amazing, Anna Hibiscus! (Hardcover)

Go Well, Anna Hibiscus! (Hardcover)

Go Well, Anna Hibiscus! (Paperback)

Beti and the Little Round House (Hardcover)

L Is for Love (Hardcover)

Too Small Tola Makes It Count (Compact Disc)

Too Small Tola Makes It Count (Hardcover)

Too Small Tola Gets Tough (Paperback)

Brilliant Black British History (Paperback)

Beti and the Little Round House (Hardcover)

Baby, Sleepy Baby (Paperback)

L is for Love (Hardcover)

Too Small Tola and the Three Fine Girls (Paperback)

Welcome Home, Anna Hibiscus! (Paperback)

Welcome Home, Anna Hibiscus! (Hardcover)

Merry Christmas, Anna Hibiscus! (Paperback)

Merry Christmas, Anna Hibiscus! (Hardcover)

Too Small Tola Makes It Count (Paperback)

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