In this captivating family drama from award-winning, bestselling author ReShonda Tate Billingsley, four estranged sisters must return to rural Arkansas when their mother is diagnosed with a terminal illness. Their mother wants them to repair their shattered relationships, but first they'll have to face the lies and obstacles they've worked so hard to leave behind Raising four very different daughters on her own in rural Arkansas wasnt easy for Miss Pearly Bell. And shes always regretted that the sisters went their separate ways for goodand never wanted to see each other again. But when Pearly is stricken with a terminal illness, she summons them all homedetermined to somehow help them get right with each other and forgive. . . But that means dealing with past secrets and lies first. As the oldest sister, pastors wife Maxine took her responsibility way too seriouslyand never fails to judge everyone else. But a secret she can no longer keep will explode everything she stands for. Youngest sister Leslie is all about making a very different life with her new lovebut she didnt expect a shattering past truth to be suddenly revealed and uproot everything she ever thought she knew. Elegant PR professional Stella and her earthy twin, Star, don't see eye-to-eye on anythingand now a long-ago deception could wipe out their last chance at a relationship. Soon each sister must confront the illusions theyve taken refuge in for so long and deal with each other woman-to-woman. But can building an all-too-fragile trust repair the damage doneand help them come together when they are needed most?