eBook: Street-Level Governing: Negotiating the State in Urban Turkey (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Elise Massicard 
系列: Stanford Studies in Middle Eastern and Islamic Soc
分類: Middle Eastern history ,
Comparative politics ,
Turkey ,
Middle East ,
Ottoman Empire  
書城編號: 24902838

售價: $325.00

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製造商: Stanford University Press
出版日期: 2022/05/24
頁數: 344
ISBN: 9781503631861
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Muhtars, the lowest level elected political position in Turkey, hold an ambiguously defined place within the administrative hierarchy. They are public officials, but local citizens do not always associate them with the central government. Street-Level Governing is the first book to investigate how muhtars carry out their role-not only what they are supposed to do, but how they actually operate-to provide an ethnographic study of the state as viewed from its margins. It starts from the premise that the seeming "margin" of state administration is not peripheral at all, but instructive as to how it functions.As Elise Massicard shows, muhtars exist at the intersection of everyday life and the exercise of power. Their position offers a personalized point of contact between citizens and state institutions, enabling close oversight of the citizenry, yet simultaneously projecting the sense of an accessible state to individuals. Challenging common theories of the state, Massicard outlines how the position of the muhtar throws into question an assumed dichotomy between domination and social resistance, and suggests that considerations of circumvention and accommodation are normal attributes of state-society functioning.
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Elise Massicard 作者作品表

eBook: Street-Level Governing: Negotiating the State in Urban Turkey (DRM PDF)

eBook: Street-Level Governing: Negotiating the State in Urban Turkey (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Gouverner par la proximité: Une sociologie politique des maires de quartier en Turquie (DRM PDF)

eBook: Alevis in Turkey and Europe: Identity and Managing Territorial Diversity (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Alevis in Turkey and Europe: Identity and Managing Territorial Diversity (DRM PDF)

The Alevis in Turkey and Europe: Identity and Managing Territorial Diversity (Hardcover)

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