eBook: Antiracist Educator (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Pranav Patel 
系列: Corwin Ltd
分類: Social discrimination & inequality ,
Educational strategies & policy ,
Organization & management of education  
書城編號: 24914254

售價: $260.00

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製造商: SAGE Publications
出版日期: 2022/01/12
頁數: 168
ISBN: 9781529769401
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In a society that privileges whiteness, racist ideas have become normalised throughout our educational institutions and curriculum. We are not born racist or antiracist; these result from the choices we make. Choosing this book means making a conscious choice to learn about how racism is embedded within the UK education system and deciding to fight against it. Choosing this book starts you on your antiracist journey as a teacher. As a teacher you are in a position of power. It is the school system which is the starting point for how children learn to view the world and accept knowledge; and you have the power to impact change to create a more inclusive and diverse society. Written by Pran Patel, who has nearly 2 decades of teaching experience and is a TEDx speaker, campaigner and blogger, this book is your call to action. Covering a range of important topics such as unconscious bias, stereotyping, assessment and discrimination and racialised trauma in childhood, this book shows you: How to identify and challenge the racist structures in which we are brought up How to acknowledge the impact and roles you play in upholding racism What actions can you take as an ally in your everyday life Becoming antiracist is not a quick-fix, it is a lifelong education, for you, and the children you teach. Let's begin the journey today.
Corwin Ltd

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Pranav Patel 作者作品表

eBook: Antiracist Educator (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Antiracist Educator (DRM PDF)

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