eBook: Contemporary Latin American Revolutions (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Marc Becker 
系列: Latin American Perspectives in the Classroom
分類: History of the Americas ,
Revolutions, uprisings, rebellions ,
Politics & government ,
Caribbean islands ,
Latin America  
書城編號: 24919077

售價: $325.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
出版日期: 2022/01/11
頁數: 374
ISBN: 9781538163740
>> 相關實體書

Revolutions are a commonly studied but only vaguely understood historical phenomenon. Now updated to include the perspectives of grassroots revolutionary movements and biographies of often marginalized voices, this clear and concise text extends our understanding with a critical narrative analysis of key case studies: the 19101920 Mexican Revolution; the 19441954 Guatemalan Spring; the 19521964 MNR-led revolution in Bolivia; the Cuban Revolution that triumphed in 1959; the 19701973 Chilean path to socialism; the leftist Sandinistas in Nicaragua in power from 19791990; failed guerrilla movements in Colombia, El Salvador, and Peru; and the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela after Hugo Chvez's election in 1998. Historian Marc Becker opens with a theoretical introduction to revolutionary movements, including a definition of what ';revolution' means and an examination of factors necessary for a revolution to succeed. He analyzes revolutions through the lens of those who participated and explores the sociopolitical conditions that led to a revolutionary situation, the differing responses to those conditions, and the outcomes of those political changes. Each case study provides an interpretive explanation of the historical context in which each movement emerged, its main goals and achievements, its shortcomings, its outcome, and its legacy. The book concludes with an analysis of how elected leftist governments in the twenty-first century continue to struggle with issues that revolutionaries confronted throughout the twentieth century.
Latin American Perspectives in the Classroom

eBook: Latin American Social Movements and Progressive Governments: Creative Tensions between Resistance and Convergence (DRM PDF)

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... [顯示此系列所有商品]

Marc Becker 作者作品表

The Latin American Revolutionary Movement: Proceedings of the First Latin American Communist Conference, June 1929 (Paperback)

Der Ausschluss Der Kostenerstattung Im Arbeitsgerichtlichen Urteilsverfahren: Eine Untersuchung Zur Vereinbarkeit Von 12a Abs. 1 S. 1 Arbgg Mit Verfas

The Latin American Revolutionary Movement: Proceedings of the First Latin American Communist Conference, June 1929 (Hardcover)

eBook: Die neue Generation: Herausforderungen und Chancen im 21. Jahrhundert meistern (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Contemporary Latin American Revolutions (DRM PDF)

eBook: Contemporary Latin American Revolutions (DRM EPUB)

FBI in Latin America (Paperback)

Twentieth-Century Latin American Revolutions (Paperback)

eBook: Controlling von Internationalisierungs-prozessen (DRM PDF)

eBook: Indigenous and Afro-Ecuadorians Facing the Twenty-First Century (DRM PDF)

eBook: Cases of Exclusion and Mobilization of Race and Ethnicities in Latin America (DRM PDF)

eBook: Pachakutik: Indigenous Movements and Electoral Politics in Ecuador (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Pachakutik: Indigenous Movements and Electoral Politics in Ecuador (DRM PDF)

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