eBook: Swollening (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Jason Purcell 
書城編號: 24920694

原價: HK$130.00
現售: HK$123.5 節省: HK$6.5

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製造商: Arsenal Pulp Press
出版日期: 2022/04/05
ISBN: 9781551528861

Jason Purcell's debut collection of poems rests at the intersection of queerness and illness, staking a place for the queer body that has been made sick through living in this world. Part poetic experiment and part memoir, Swollening attempts to diagnose what has been undiagnosable, tracing an uneven path from a lifetime of swallowing bad feelingshomophobia in its external and internalized manifestations, heteronormativity, anxiety surrounding desire, aversion to sexto a body in revolt.In poems that speak using the grammar and logics of sickness, Purcell offers a dizzying collision of word and image that is the language of pain alongside the banality of living on. Beginning by reading his own life and body closely and slowly zooming out to read illness in the world, Purcell comes to ask: how might a sick, queer body forgive itself for a natural reaction to living in a sick world and go on toward hope? In Swollening, Purcell coughs up his own poetics of illness, his own aesthetics of pain, to form a tender collection that lands straight in the gut.
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