eBook: Hacks for PUBG Players Advanced Strategies: An Unofficial Gamer's Guide: An Unofficial Gamer's Guide (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Jason R. Rich 
分類: Computer games / online games: strategy guides  
書城編號: 24933998

售價: $130.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Racehorse
出版日期: 2019/07/16
頁數: 208
ISBN: 9781631585203

Gamers from around the world have made PUBG (a.k.a. PlayerUnderground's Battlegrounds) one of the most popular games on the PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and on multiple mobile device platforms. This multiplayer combat royale game features fast action, photorealistic graphics, and intense combat scenarios that pit each gamer against up to 99 others during each exciting match. Since only one gamer ends each match victorious, PUBG is difficult for even the most skilled and experienced players to master. Those craving victory need every possible advantage they can get, andHacks for PUBG Players: Advanced Strategieswill provide the proven tips, strategies, and guidance needed to improve a player's chance of survival during each match they experience, regardless of which gaming platform they're using. To assist gamers develop their PUBG gaming skills and specialized fighting techniques, Hacks for PUBG Players Advanced Strategieswill showcase more advanced fighting, exploration, and survival strategies that can help lead a reader to victory! This book will pick up where Hacks for PUBG Playersleaves off, and provide more detail, and delve deeper into the more technical aspects of choosing and using weapons, armor, vehicles, tools, and health-related items. Using hundreds of full-color screenshots, Hacks for PUBG Players Advanced Strategieswill be a ';must read' for more experienced PUBG players looking to give themselves an edge during even the most intense combat situations. This unofficial guide will cover: Ways to customize a soldier with in-game purchases and items that get unlocked during gameplay by completing objectives.Utilizing armor and health-related items to prolong survival during a match.How to use popular types of weapons, explosives, and other deadly tools discoverable within the game.More advanced combat strategies and survival tactics designed to help players survive longer during solo, duos, and squad matches.Ways to safely navigate around the island on foot and using vehicles.How to use the island's terrain to a soldier's advantage.Strategies for successfully launching surprise attacks and ambushes.Overcoming the biggest mistakes made by newbies during battles.
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