eBook: Conscience of Prosecutors in International Criminal Law: The Heart of the Matter (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Farhad Malekian 
系列: Law, Crime and Law Enforcement
分類: International law ,
International criminal law  
書城編號: 24966913

售價: $2535.00

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製造商: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
出版日期: 2021/11/04
頁數: 244
ISBN: 9781685072995
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This book evaluates the resting pulse of national and international criminal justice in conjunction with the actual definition of the truth which burdens prosecutors. Prosecutors have several valuable, yet inconspicuous tasks which are significant to criminal procedure. In criminal justice, the conscience of justice is based on the pursuit of the truth by using evidence. As a rule of genuine judgment, we seek to discuss the principle of truth and its enforcement in the proceedings of criminal justice. The visual perception of moral law and its imperative function governing the theory of ethical obligations, responsibilities, and duties of the prosecutor in the criminal jurisdiction therefore represents the primary starting point for all of our judgments. Prosecutors should actively ensure that both powerful and powerless criminals are brought to justice. The main objective of the statute of the permanent International Criminal Court (ICC) claims to uphold the high moral precedent which must be set by the Office of the Prosecutor. However, the actual practice of the ICC has instead led to millions of deaths, including those of innocent children, as well as the destruction of countries whose protection is not considered to be in "the interest of justice". If the ICC wishes to establish justice for victims, then the deterrence of impunity for any criminal should be its priority. The ICCshould not become a pawn of the political superpowers or the platform through which the prosecutor can misuse classified documents to serve their personal interests. The ultimate nature of justice cannot be comprehensive if impartial validity is not the permanent foundation of the core pillars in all criminal proceedings. This book is recommended to anyone who concerns themselves with legal questions of criminal justice and its efficacy.
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Farhad Malekian 作者作品表

eBook: Conundrums of Paternalism in International Criminal Justice (DRM PDF)

eBook: Concreting Righteousness in International Criminal Justice (DRM PDF)

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eBook: Powertionism in International Criminal Justice (DRM PDF)

Conscience of Lawyers in International Criminal Law: The Burden of Doppelgangers (Hardcover)

Conscience of Judges in International Criminal Law: The Heart of Judgement (Hardcover)

eBook: Conscience of Judges in International Criminal Law: The Heart of Judgement (DRM PDF)

Gravity of Wisdom in International Criminal Law (Hardcover)

eBook: Conscience of Lawyers in International Criminal Law: The Burden of Doppelgangers (DRM PDF)

Conscience of Prosecutors in International Criminal Law: The Heart of the Matter (Hardcover)

Orchestrating Diversity in International Criminal Justice (Hardcover)

eBook: Conscience of Prosecutors in International Criminal Law: The Heart of the Matter (DRM PDF)

eBook: Gravity of Wisdom in International Law (DRM PDF)

eBook: Orchestrating Diversity in International Criminal Justice (DRM PDF)

Classical Morality in International Peremptory Criminal Law (Hardcover)

Paralysing International Criminal Justice (Hardcover)

International Criminal Law: The Law of Somebodiness -- The Law of Nobodiness (Hardcover)

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