This volume presents some of the latest advancements in psychology research. Chapter One examines the link between sleep deprivation in military settings and risk of suicide behavior. Chapter Two outlines the most effective evidence-based psychotherapies for generalized anxiety disorder. Chapter Three provides information about the potential therapeutic effects of antidepressant drugs for COVID-19. Chapter Four explains how child maltreatment leads to an adult propensity to violence, which enables genocide, and describes parenting strategies to prevent these characteristics from emerging. Chapter Five studies clinical cases with empirical research on characteristics of parenting that form bases of children's well-being into adulthood. Chapter Six examines how emotional intelligence influences job satisfaction, particularly in the context of the ongoing pandemic. Chapter Seven studies whether job satisfaction mediates the relationship between emotion regulation ability and psychological distress in teaching professionals. Chapter Eight conveys the narratives of an implementation of a project dedicated for the establishment of happiness and wellbeing centers at nine campuses of the Royal University of Bhutan. Chapter Nine explores the psychological characteristics of juvenile sex offenders, juvenile perpetrators of non-sexual violent offences, and a representative sample of non-delinquent youngsters. Finally, Chapter Ten presents a correlation study between two empathy subscales of the Adolescent Sexual Abuser Project Assessment Pack-Dutch Revised version and the Moral Orientation List.