eBook: Activista ambiental Wangari Maathai (Environmental Activist Wangari Maathai) (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Jennifer Swanson 
分類: People & places (Children's / Teenage) ,
Natural history (Children’s/Teenage) ,
Science & technology: general interest (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 24975238

原價: HK$520.00
現售: HK$494 節省: HK$26

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製造商: Lerner Publishing Group
出版日期: 2022/04/01
ISBN: 9781728475202

 Alguna vez has intentado encontrar formas de resolver un problema en tu comunidad? Wangari Maathai trabajo para resolver una crisis ambiental y ayudar a las personas al mismo tiempo.Cuando Maathai era joven, era inusual que las nias en Kenia fueran a la escuela, pero ella estaba decidida a aprender ms sobre la ciencia y la naturaleza. Al crecer, se dio cuenta de que se talaban demasiados rboles. Maathai saba que la prdida de bosques era mala para la salud del medioambiente y de las personas. Inici el Movimiento Cinturn Verde, que educaba a las mujeres en las aldeas rurales y les pagaba por cada rbol que plantaban. El programa ayud a plantar millones de rboles y trajo dinero a las aldeas. Por su trabajo con el medioambiente y los derechos humanos, Maathai se convirti en la primera mujer africana en recibir el Premio Nobel de la Paz.Have you ever tried to come up with ways to solve a problem in your community? Wangari Maathai worked to solve an environmental crisis and help people at the same time.When Maathai was young, it was unusual for girls in Kenya to go to school, but she was determined to learn more about science and nature. As an adult, she noticed that people were cutting down too many trees. Maathai knew that forest loss was bad for the health of the environment and people. She started the Green Belt Movement, which educated women in rural villages and paid them for every tree they planted. The program helped plant millions of trees and brought money to the villages. For her environmental and human rights work, Maathai became the first African woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.
Jennifer Swanson 作者作品表

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The Lost Forest: An Unexpected Discovery Beneath the Waves (Library Binding)

eBook: Lost Forest: An Unexpected Discovery beneath the Waves (DRM PDF)

eBook: Lost Forest: An Unexpected Discovery beneath the Waves (DRM EPUB)

The Ultimate Costa Rica Cookbook: Pura Vida Palate: A Flavorful Journey Through Costa Rica (Paperback)

Lego Amazing Earth: Fantastic Building Ideas and Facts about Our Planet (Hardcover)

LEGO Amazing Earth: Fantastic Building Ideas and Facts About Our Planet (Hardcover)

eBook: LEGO Amazing Earth: Fantastic Building Ideas and Facts About Our Planet (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Spacecare: A Kid's Guide to Surviving Space (DRM EPUB)

Footprints Across the Planet (Paperback)

eBook: Activista ambiental Wangari Maathai (Environmental Activist Wangari Maathai) (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Activista ambiental Wangari Maathai (Environmental Activist Wangari Maathai) (DRM PDF)

Beastly Bionics: Rad Robots, Brilliant Biomimicry, and Incredible Inventions Inspired by Nature (hardcover)

Spies, Lies, and Disguise: The Daring Tricks and Deeds That Won World War II (hardcover)

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eBook: Geoengineering Earth's Climate (DRM EPUB)

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