eBook: Extra Salty: Jennifer's Body (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Frederick Blichert 
分類: Popular culture  
書城編號: 24976910

原價: HK$91.00
現售: HK$86.45 節省: HK$4.55

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製造商: ECW Press
出版日期: 2021/11/04
頁數: 112
ISBN: 9781773058047

'Megan Fox, a diabolic indie rock band, toxic friendship, fluid sexuality, feminist reckoning, and a literal man-eater in the body of a high school cheerleader: Jennifer s Body has it all Featuring an original interview with director Karyn Kusama What would be an easy sell in 2021 women at the helm (screenwriter Diablo Cody, director Karyn Kusama), a bankable cast (Megan Fox, Amanda Seyfried), and a deceptively complex skewering of gender politics was a box office flop in 2009. In Extra Salty, Frederick Blichert flips the script on how Jennifer s Body was labeled a failure to celebrate all that is scrumptious (as Jennifer would say) about it: supernatural horror, dark comedy, queer love, and a nuanced handling of gendered violence. The movie could have been to the aughts what Heathers was to the eighties, and it s finally getting its due whether in the flood of tenth-anniversary praise, the parade of Jennifer Hallowee
Frederick Blichert 作者作品表

eBook: Extra Salty: Jennifer's Body (DRM EPUB)

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