eBook: Success Secrets of Entrepreneurs (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Penny Power, +13 World-Class Expert Authors 
分類: Social, group or collective psychology ,
Business strategy ,
Business innovation ,
Entrepreneurship ,
Management & management techniques ,
Management: leadership & motivation ,
Sales & marketing  
書城編號: 24981244

原價: HK$65.00
現售: HK$61.75 節省: HK$3.25

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製造商: Panoma Press
出版日期: 2022/04/29
頁數: 117
ISBN: 9781784525811
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How do entrepreneurs achieve success? There are many ways to become successful with a new venture, but many aspiring entrepreneurs try to do it their way without ever trying another approach or looking beyond what they know. This book will improve your chances by providing a comprehensive and inclusive look at how to become more successful as an entrepreneur. Each of the twelve contributing authors is an expert in their field and shares valuable advice for ambitious business leaders, applicable to a wide range of industries, situations and challenges. The authors are all part of the BIP100 community, a group of experts who put friendship and caring at the top of their values. Together they actively seek to share wisdom while giving back to each other and paying forward in society at large. Meet our world-class expert authors! Jeremy Cassell, Mindy Gibbins-Klein, Jon Keel, Nick Marangos, Jay Moore, Andrew Morgan, Chris O'Hare, Owen O'Malley, Steve Sanders, Subash Tavares, Lesley Thomas and Matt Thompsett.
Penny Power 作者作品表

Business is Personal (Paperback)

eBook: Business is Personal (DRM EPUB)

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