eBook: Short Story in German in the Twenty-First Century (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Lyn Marven, Andrew Plowman, Kate Roy, Katharina Gerstenberger, Todd Herzog, Emily Spiers, Helmut Sch 
系列: Studies in German Literature Linguistics and Cultu
分類: Literary studies: from c 1900 - ,
21st century ,
Austria ,
Germany ,
書城編號: 24984589

售價: $260.00

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製造商: Boydell & Brewer Ltd
出版日期: 2020/12/15
頁數: 354
ISBN: 9781787448759
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Since the 1990s, the short story has re-emerged in the German-speaking world as a vibrant literary genre, serving as a medium for both literary experimentation and popular forms. Authors like Judith Hermann and Peter Stamm have had a significant impact on German-language literary culture and, in translation, on literary culture in the UK and USA. This volume analyzes German-language short-story writing in the twenty-first century, aiming to establish a framework for further research into individual authors as well as key themes and formal concerns. An introduction discusses theories of the short-story form and literary-aesthetic questions. A combination of thematic and author-focused chapters then discuss key developments in the contemporary German-language context, examining performance and performativity, Berlin and crime stories, and the openendness, fragmentation, liminality, and formal experimentations that characterize short stories in the twenty-first century. Together the chapters present the rich field of short-story writing in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, offering a variety of theoretical approaches to individual stories and collections, as well as exploring connections with storytelling, modernist short prose, and the novella. The volume concludes with a survey of broad trends, and three original translations exemplifying the breadth of contemporary German-language short-story writing.
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