eBook: Hot Water (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Christopher Fowler 
分類: Thriller / suspense ,
書城編號: 24986557

售價: $91.00

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製造商: Titan Books
出版日期: 2022/03/01
頁數: 400
ISBN: 9781789099850
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"Devilishly clever" Val McDermid on Strange TideShe sees everything, but can never tell anyone... a wickedly compulsive thriller from the bestselling author of the Bryant & May series.At a beautiful villa near Nice in the south of France, Hannah Carreras works as a maid. Under strict instructions never to speak to the guests, she blends into the background - but she sees everything. Including the mistress Summer, lounging by the pool awaiting the arrival of her married lover, Steve.When Steve finally shows at the villa - with his family unexpectedly in tow - Summer has vanished. Steve claims he never saw her. But Steve's wife is no fool: she knows there's something going on. Whose tiny bikini lies by the pool? Whose perfume is in the bathroom?Before long, the local police start asking questions, and the villa's occupants have something to hide. Only Hannah, always listening, watching, saw broken glass and blood on the patio the day Summer disappeared. Only Hannah thinks she knows what lies are being told...
Christopher Fowler 作者作品表

eBook: Foot on the Crown (DRM EPUB)

The Foot on the Crown (Hardcover)

Word Monkey (Paperback)

Word Monkey (Hardcover)

eBook: Word Monkey (DRM EPUB)

Bryant & May's Peculiar London (Paperback)

Bibliomysteries Volume 4 (MP3 CD)

Bibliomysteries Volume 4 (Compact Disc)

eBook: Bryant & May: Peculiar London (DRM EPUB)

Bryant & May's Peculiar London (Hardcover)

Bryant & May - London Bridge is Falling Down (Paperback)

eBook: Hot Water (DRM EPUB)


Hot Water (Paperback)

eBook: Bryant & May: London Bridge Is Falling Down (DRM EPUB)

Bryant & May - London Bridge is Falling Down (Unabridged ed) (CD-Audio)

eBook: Bryant & May - London Bridge is Falling Down (DRM EPUB)

Bryant & May - London Bridge is Falling Down (Hardcover)

Bryant & May - Oranges and Lemons (Paperback)

eBook: Bryant & May: Oranges and Lemons (DRM EPUB)

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